It's official- today was my last day serving in Ocean View and Mountain View. Even though it was hard to leave all the kids, I felt a sense of peace inside of me all day. All of the kids were extremely obedient today too which was such a blessing, considering I was in charge of telling the Bible story today! I spoke on being the salt of the earth and light of the world using the passage in Matthew 5:13. I related being the salt of the earth to eating unsalted "hot chips", or french fries, and how tasteless they would be without any seasoning. I told the kids that as Christians, we are to be the seasoning of the world and that can only be done through Christ. After club, I was able to go on a couple of "home visits" within the community. I went with Mr. Shelby who works in the Family Strengthening unit of Living Right, where they connect people with resources to help them in any way. It was so interesting to me to see how the people of Ocean and Mountain View live on a daily basis. They live in these tiny shacks that have anywhere from 5-10 people staying in one. We visited 3 different families who Shelby knew through referrals from the LSEs. All had a different background story, which I found extremely intriguing. I definitely was observing with my sociological lens, trying to apply what I have learned in school to each case we saw today. I talked to Shelby a bit more about what he does and I would love to do something like that one day- be a connection for resources that will provide people the opportunity to find help where it's needed in their lives, while showing them the light of Christ. So cool to be able to do that on a regular basis!
After meeting the families, David picked me up and we headed back to the house for dinner! Ms. Anita made chicken, pork, rice, potato wedges, cauliflower and broccoli casserole, a salad, and a chocolate cake. YES PLEASE. It was all so fantastic. Tim and Natasha both joined us for dinner to discuss our week and the week ahead- GARDEN ROUTE TOUR a.k.a. SAFARI. We all have the opportunity to participate in a week long journey around the coast of South Africa. It will be a great way to unwind and relax from the past 5 weeks. Looking forward to traveling with everyone (including Tim and Natasha) and getting to know each other even more!
So, since it is getting pretty late here.... 11:45 PM.... I am just going to post some pictures of my kids from this past week. They are all so precious to me and I will miss them dearly!!! Please keep them all in your prayers!

Chanel & Tarryn are both 14 years old and help out with kids club |
Ashwyn is a pouter for pictures, so I played it his way. |
The LSEs (-Melissa) |
ReplyDeleteThank you for being a faithful blogger during your travels, sharing your daily experiences. Enjoy this next week. We look forward to having you back in BHM soon!
The Vianey's