Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cherishing every second.

I cannot believe that I am in my last week of ministry with Living Hope.  Time has flown by!!!  I am doing my absolute best to make the most of every second here and to continue serving Christ in all that I do.  I pray that I will continue to stay in touch with the LSEs of Ocean View and the other incredible staff members of Living Hope that I have gotten to know over the past 5 weeks.  There are some incredible people within this organization that I truly look up to.  

This week has been great so far; definitely bittersweet working with all of the kids in Mountain View and Ocean View.  On Monday, I went to Living Way and continued working on the math curriculum for their business training program that they offer.  I am writing up questions similar to, "If jeans cost R79 per item, how much will it cost for 3?"; "If you buy 3 shirts for R90, you save R27.  How much will you have saved per shirt?"; and so on.... I have actually enjoyed working on it, not only because the problems are simple for me to come up with, but also, I know that the program will be using them to teach the people within the community who are seeking job training skills.  So cool to put it in that perspective!  I worked at LW from 8:00-12:45 or so and then David picked me up to take me to the house to eat lunch before club.  My lunch consisted of leftover mac and cheese from Ms. Bernie's cooking the night before.  Yes please.  Will was sick on Monday, so it was just me heading to club!  We got the crafts together and headed to Mountain View around 3:00 to set up.  I can't remember if I have mentioned this in past blog posts, but I "attempt" to beatbox with the kids.  My friends back home know how obsessed I am with beatboxing and they always laugh at me when I try and do it.  I just think it sounds so cool when people do it themselves.  I consider myself a wannabe beatboxer.  So, I have done it to a lot of the kids here and they are absolutely mesmerized by this tall white girl just making a complete fool out of herself.  I get down to where they can hear me, cup my hand over my mouth, and begin to "beatbox" with them.  They tend to react 3 different ways.  1) Staring straight at me with a confused face, 2) Begin to point and laugh uncontrollably, or 3) Participate in making their own sounds.  It's awesome.  A lot of the little boys find it quite entertaining and try their hardest to do it as well, and most of the time, they actually sound really good!  A few minutes later, Chanette called all the kids in for club!  We started with praise and worship which led into the Bible study and the craft.  Another great day with the kiddos!  

Monday night, we had a Bible study at Tim and Natasha's house with other long term volunteers.  I have loved going over there every week to get to know everyone and really be there as a body of believers.  We watched this short clip for discussion.  It's really interesting. We began to speak about doubting God and how we should handle it, whether to talk to people about it or just leave our thoughts alone.  I was so encouraged by what everyone was saying.  I think the most important thing for us to do is to speak to God directly when we begin to have questions because He is the one with answers, instead of only running to people.  Granted, having conversations with others and learning from one another's experiences is essential in life, but at the same time, having time with God and studying His word will be the most beneficial way of learning about faith first.  It was really neat to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter.  Great night of fellowship! 

Tuesday was Living Grace day!  Holden, Becca, Berrit, and I cut up vegetables to prepare for the lunch yesterday.  The three of them began to cut onions, which of course, led to many tears streaming down their faces.  We really enjoyed serving at LG and being able to help in any way.  So thankful I have gotten to have that experience! 
Berrit vs. Onion

During my lunch hour, Tim asked for my help with the shoe sale!  It's finally here!  So, I helped Natasha unload all of the pairs and set up the sale in the chapel at the LH head office.  Over 1,000 pairs were donated by a local shoe store of unmatched shoes.  Since March, the Living Hope volunteers have been sorting all of them in order for this shoe sale to take place, and now it's finally here!  All 190 Living Hope staff members have been invited to participate in the sale- doors opened at 2:30! 


Yesterday afternoon, we had club in Ocean View with all the kids.  It went very well!  I'll miss these kids so much.  Tomorrow is my last day with them, which will be very hard!  I took a few pictures yesterday of the kids that I have gotten to know over the past 5 weeks.  Precious! 

My 6th grade girls! 
Great start to my last week of ministry.  God is so faithful!!! Looking forward to the rest of the week!!!

John 14:6
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

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