Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Recap.

Okay, so the weekend was absolutely beautiful.  The warmest it has been so far- high of 75 degrees, sunny, blue skies, light breeze- perfection.  Thankfully, we were able to hike Table Mountain on Saturday!  We all got ready to go and left the house around 8:15 to get to the mountain by 9.  So, Holden, Mia, Berrit, and I were the only summer volunteers who hiked it; however, another long term volunteer Ivan tagged along, as well as, 2 friends of a long term volunteer here.  That would make it a total of 7 people.  David dropped us off at the start, Platteklip Gorge, around 9:00.  The average rate of hiking is about an hour and a half.  Our goal was 1 hour.  Now, people said this hike would be challenging.... Why did I underestimate that description?!  It was definitely a HIKE.  Hiking up the mountain, literally meant, hiking up the mountain.  It was steep the entire way of only rocks; no flat surfaces, just rock.  We took a few 20 second breaks on the way up to get some water, which I was incredibly thankful for.  Holden, Caroline, Caden, and I went at a pretty steady pace the entire way up.  We all took turns leading up the way too.  The wind was out of control.  There were several times when a gust of wind would come and almost blow us over.  We had to brace ourselves to the best of our ability.  The four of us made it in just under an hour!  Success.  Once we got to the top, the wind was outrageous.  It's like we had to walk hunched over so we wouldn't blow away.  The top of Table Mountain is completely flat (hence the name of the mountain) and covered in bushes.  There is a cable car that takes people to and from the top of the mountain without hiking it, but it's closed for maintenance.  There is also a restaurant at the top, but since the cable car was closed, so was the restaurant.  We had to find shelter elsewhere.  We came upon a lookout area that had been built, and we decided to climb under it to get away from the freezing wind.  There were a lot of rocks to relax on, so it was cool to chill and wait on the rest of the team to get up to the top.  

L to R: Holden, Mia, Berrit, Ivan, Kt, Caroline, & Caden

Views from the top! 

It was so gorgeous to look out and see the city of Cape Town.  I loved being up there and just realizing how vast God's creation is.  I'm so thankful to have the ability to hike a mountain to see God's beauty all around me.  It may sound super cheesy, but at one point I started singing to myself,
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save"

It is so true though!  Our God is so mighty and powerful, He can do absolutely anything! Isaiah 54:10 states, "'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you."  AMEN.  Everyone was just mesmerized by the gorgeous landscape all around us.  We stayed up there for another hour or so and then began the descent.  The hike down was almost as hard as the hike up!  Every step caused my legs to shake.  Regardless, we made it down together in about an hour and a half.  I immediately went over to the gift shop and bought myself a blue powerade- yes please.  

Since all of us were exhausted from hiking, we went to the other side of the ocean to Table Bay, where you can see Table Mountain in the distance.  We hung out there for a few hours laying on the beach, watching the Olympics in a restaurant, and walking around the boardwalk.  It was very relaxing!  Around 6:00, Tim, Natasha, Will, and Becca came to join us on the beach.  We took some pictures and watched the sunset on the beach.  It was so pretty!  Below are a few pictures..

View from Table Bay-- we hiked that!!!!
The Summer Project Team
L to R: Natasha Hoffman, Tim Hoffman (volunteer coordinator), Mama K, Mia, Becca, Berrit, KT, Holden, & Will

We ate at a restaurant called Karoo, which was extremely delicious.  I ordered an ostrich burger!!! Yes, ostrich!  It was delicious.  Now, I usually do not eat red meat.... at all.  However, Natasha was telling me that the red meat here is actually very healthy because it is all free range, no added hormones or preservatives, etc.  So, I ordered the leanest meat on the menu which was ostrich!  It was very tasty, accompanied by the unlimited salad bar- yes please.  Mia and I sat near the end of the table with Natasha and Tim so it was great to talk with them at dinner time.  I have really enjoyed getting to know them and their passion for ministry.  What a great day filled with nature, fellowship, and relaxation.  

Sunday morning we went to Capricorn Community Church and heard the sermon on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27-- one of my all time favorite passages.  The very charismatic pastor spoke on the need for self-discipline and having a purpose tying it in to the Olympics.  " 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."  It was really great to hear these words when my time here is coming to a close.  It is now my final week of ministry, which is CRAZY!!!  I am praying that the Lord will allow me to finish strong in Ocean and Mountain View.  The worship in the service was incredible.  Their is a 17 year old boy who has lead the service (singing) since he was 12 or 13.  His name is Basil (pronounced Basel) and has the kindest heart... and I just spoke with him for about 45 minutes.  So, he definitely shines with love whenever you speak to him.  [Ms. Deanna, if you're reading this, he wanted me to tell you hello and that he misses you and the rest of the Brookwood team!!!]  He has an incredible testimony that he openly shared with Mia and I after the service.  So encouraged by his story! 

After the service, Tim and Natasha had the idea of buying some food at the nearby grocery and then going to the beach to hang out and chill by the water.  So, off we went!  We went to a new grocery store that is similar to a Whole Foods, but much cheaper.  I bought some pesto and feta pasta, a chicken and sun dried tomato wrap, freshly made trail mix, and a big cinnamon roll to split with Mia.  YES PLEASE.  It was SO GOOD.  We went to Long Beach with the team and Tim and Natasha around 3 in the afternoon.  I brought the soccer ball hoping someone would want to kick it with me; Natasha eventually stepped in to play.  We had a great time just hanging out, laying out, throwing the football (and practicing throwing it like a rugby ball), etc.  Berrit was very persistent on getting me to come into the freezing cold water with her... I attempted... I couldn't stay in the water for more than 15 seconds.  So painfully cold!  We did see a seal along the sandbar swimming, which was cool!  We left the beach a few hours later and came home to Ms. Bernie's cooking!  Fantastic, as usual.  I will definitely miss Ms. Bernie and Ms. Anita when we leave!  They have been so great taking care of us the entire time.  Beyond thankful to have them with us! 

Looking forward to this week of ministry.  Trying to soak in every second!  Please pray that I will continue to seek Christ in all that I do here and allow Christ to prepare my heart as I begin to leave this city physically.  

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