Thursday, July 5, 2012

Teens are chill.

Rise and shine: 7:30 AM
Breakfast: 8:03 AM
Picked up @ house: 8:32 AM
{determined outside temp to be about 43 degrees...brrrr!}
Dropped off @ Ocean View: 8:40 AM

Shortly after Fransi dropped us off, we were told to go on the "call out" where the LH staff walks through the streets and literally call for children to come to the kids club.  Many kids came along with us to encourage their friends to come along.  We got back to the civic center shortly after and played several "wake up" games outside.  Very similar to "Little Sally Walker" and "Simon Says."  It was so much fun doing that with all of the kids.  I think I was laughing the entire time I was out there with them.  I really enjoyed it.  For one of the partner games, a little boy ran up to me and chose me to be his partner.  When I realized the game was very fast-paced, I just couldn't control my laughter.  I had no idea what I was supposed to do with him.  And I quickly discovered he only spoke Afrikaans so that was a challenge within itself!  I was able to make him laugh because I was just all over the place trying to learn how to do this exercise.  It was quite humorous.  People were definitely laughing AT me.  Great morning with those kiddos.  

I was put in charge of crafts again--this time only using crayons!!! SCORE!  We went for about two and a half hours.  The worship section is great.  I absolutely love singing and dancing with all of them.  They sing some of the same songs that we do as well!  "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns was taught today.  Great song.  The kids are also fed lunch.  For some of them, this is their only meal of the day.  That is heartbreaking to hear, but it's true.  Please pray for them with me.  

After lunch, the kids hung around outside the civic center to play while we ate our lunches.  We listened to some gospel tunes while eating.  Will and I played indoor soccer against two South Africans.  We got trampled.  Definitely a good workout!  Afterwards, it was time for teen clubs!  For the teens, we watched the movie "Soul Surfer".  Very good!  I spoke with Marko (14) and Xavier (16) for a little bit.  I asked them who their favorite musicians were.... Marko responded with a big grin, "Celine Dion!"  I immediately laughed at thought of 2 people: Rebecca P. and Amanda E.  I hope you all are proud!  
KT: "So, Xavier, what about you?"
Xavier: "Lil Wayne."
Marko: "Whaaa? He's the devil."
Well, there you go folks! 

Fransi picked us up around 4:30 and dropped us off shortly after.  The roommates were humored by my dance outbreaks this afternoon.  Sometimes, you just have to dance it out..... 
Dinner was served at 6:00.  SO GOOD.  May have been my favorite meal so far: chicken curry, steamed veggies over rice, salad, and a fantastic peppermint pudding...or something like that.  It was "gorgeous" as Mama K would say. 

Grateful to be here with these people!  So blessed by all of them.  Looking forward to getting to know them better over the next several weeks. 

Tomorrow is orientation #3 and then the weekend!  We will be doing some sightseeing on Saturday, so hopefully I'll be able to share a few pictures with you all!

Thank you all for the prayers!  They are always appreciated.  I really feel a sense of peace surrounding me all the time here and I believe it is from all of the prayers that have been sent my way, of which I am so humbled by.  I continue to pray that I will grow closer to Christ and really obey and listen to the Lord each day.  As I pass through the communities and come across people who are hurt or lost, I ask the Lord to be with them and give them a hope that can only be found through Him.  

Zephaniah 3:17
"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

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