Monday, July 2, 2012

Orientation #1

Full day today!

This morning, we had breakfast at 7:30 sharp.  Ms. Bernie set out various cereals, fruit, toast, jams/spread, and juice. Delightful!  Of course, I ate everything on the table...typical.  So just to recap, there are 5 girls from Samford here doing research with Living Way, the economic empowerment branch of Living Hope; 6 summer project volunteers specifically for Living Hope (still waiting on one to arrive); and tomorrow there will be an additional 10 from Delaware who will be working here for 2 weeks.  Full house!  We were introduced to another summer project volunteer this morning at breakfast!  Her name is Becca and she just graduated from UAB with a mechanical engineering degree.  She has worked with Living Hope in the past so she is pretty familiar with all of the programs here.

After breakfast, we drove about 5 minutes to the Living Hope main office, which was a very nice facility.  We had a brief overview of the Living Hope ministry and really got to know more about the program and its purpose within the community.  Around 9:30, we left to go on a tour of all of the townships they minister to in the area.  We first visited Masi and the Living Hope facility there.  Next stop was the Living Way facility, which was absolutely incredible to see.  They are practicing a new way of agriculture called "agribusiness," which has been very effective.  They grow tomatoes using a bag of sawdust (as soil) and a tiny tube of water that is fed through the bottom of the bags.  These tomato plants are located in tunnels, or what Americans call, greenhouses. They call it their Agri-Academy (agribusiness model), which helps provide an intensive training process for agri-entrepreneurs.  Also at Living Way, they have a bakery, woodworking shop, pottery shop, and even a film making and sewing class where people in the community learn the skills needed to sustain themselves and their families, and also teach others in their own communities the same skills that they have been taught.  It is a great thing what Living Way is doing and I hope to work with them a good bit while I am here!

After stopping at Living Way, we moved on to Ocean View.  We were told that although Oceanview doesn't look like it is a very poor community, it's what is behind closed doors that is hurting.  It is the township that has been most affected by drug use and teenage pregnancy, which is very heartbreaking to hear.  Right next to Oceanview is Mountain View, a smaller community.  After visiting there, we drove around the valley and ended up in Capricorn.  This is where my Brookwood family is currently working!  As we pulled up, I noticed another big van was there.  I got out of ours,  and immediately heard "WADUP KTTTT!!" (Caleb speaking) and was greeted with a big hug by Will.  It was awesome.  I absolutely loved seeing them there!  It was only half of them, but it was still awesome to be surrounded by some great friends.  Larry gave me a huge hug and reminded me that he is praying for me, which was very encouraging to hear!  I am actually having dinner with the Brookwood crew this Tuesday night!  I cannot wait to hear about their experiences so far! After visiting with them, we made a couple more stops in Overcome and at Living Grace (homeless ministry).  It was fascinating to see the wealth disparity among the communities.

We arrived back at the main office around lunchtime.  We had packed our lunches this morning, so we all ate those and did some community building exercises.  Talked about practical things to do when entering the communities.  Specifically, what kind of mindset to have when wanting to help.  Some people mentioned humility, being respectful, knowing their needs ahead of time, embracing their strengths, etc.  All great points to consider when trying to help--and not hurt--the community.  Very similar points were brought up that I have read about in When Helping Hurts! Eye opening, to say the least.

At the end of orientation today, we received our location assignments for the next 5 weeks!  I will be working in Oceanview with a fellow volunteer William (who I had not met because his flight was delayed).  So, we will be there working with kids clubs for 2 weeks and then we will go around to other sites as well.  I hope to go to Living Way to learn more about their economic empowerment tactics.  I am really excited to see how God will use me in this township.  My first day is tomorrow!  Please pray for strength, energy, and that I will always turn to Christ when times get tough.

We got to our house around 4:15 and were told that Mia and I would be moving rooms!  We moved into a bigger room with Berrit and Becca.  It will be a lot of fun sharing with them.  I have been talking in my British accent so much, other people are beginning to as well! What a treat [in British accent]!

We ate dinner around 6:30.  Ms. Bernie made beef spaghetti, chicken spaghetti, and fish spaghetti to suit everyone's diet choices.  She is the best ever.  Delicious dinner!!! Will finally arrived and we came to find out he is from Birmingham, AL as well!  Glad to have him on board.

At 7:15, we left to go across the street to have a Bible study with the volunteer coordinators.  They were so nice to invite us into their beautiful home.  We met several other long term volunteers there.  Very encouraged by what all they had to say.  And yes, we had tea and biscuits (Rooibos and Rusks)!

Now, I am currently lying in bed...lights off....roommates asleep....typing quietly....

I think that means it's bedtime! Thank you all for reading and for all the prayers!  I look forward to sharing my experiences from Oceanview with all of you.

Until next time, cheers!


1 comment:

  1. Katherine,

    Thanks for taking time to give us insight into your activities from your day. We look forward to reading your blog and praying for you every day.
