Monday night, all of the volunteers went over to Tim and Natasha's (volunteer coordinators) for a Bible study. It was a great time of fellowship with everyone there. There was a total of 31 people who packed in to their beautiful home. We discussed ways that we need community more than we realize, we need Jesus more than we realize, and the world needs us more than realize. It was a great talk and a lot of people spoke up and made some very valuable points. It was really encouraging to hear about their experiences so far within the communities.
The plan for Tuesday was pretty different for me. Instead of going to Ocean View, I went with the Samford girls to Stellenbosch (about an hour away). The professor, Dr. Knapp, is in charge of ethical leadership initiatives on campus at Samford. He has built a relationship with Stellenbosch University to enhance cultural change within the communities of each university. We met for about two and a half hours with graduate students of the university to talk about the cultural similarities and differences between both universities. Many interesting points were brought up about education issues, public policy, family units, social injustices, etc. We left around 2:30 and then went to a local market and then to Mugg and Bean. I ordered a red velvet waffle. Yes, that does exist. LOOK AT THIS GOODNESS!!!!

We left Stellenbosch around 5:00 to head back home. We made it just in time for dinner, which was absolutely incredible. It was some sort of chicken pie dish with rice, vegetables, and a salad. SO GOOD- as usual. After dinner, I went up the room and read some of Radical. I am getting close to finishing it! It is such a great book. It really encourages people to live in a simple way that is reflective of how Christ once lived. Solid.
This morning, Will and I met the rest of the life skills educators at the office in Ocean View. We gave the office a very deep clean and then helped cut out shapes for the craft. We went down to the civic center after lunch and then set up for the holiday clubs that afternoon. While setting up, I went outside and played with the kids for a little while. I taught some of the girls how to do the funky chicken and the hand jive. Both were very easy to teach and they all loved practicing them to see how fast they could go. It was quite entertaining. They kept asking my name, so I told them and let them know they could call me KT for short. So, for the rest of the day, all the little girls kept shouting from across the room, "KT! KT! KT!" while performing the funky chicken. So great. We had a great day with all of the teens and kids combined. About 100 were there so every volunteer had their hands full! It all ran very smoothly which was definitely a praise! So thankful to be working with the kids here and I really feel that I am getting to know a lot of them. The life skills educators are all incredible as well. I am becoming great friends with Laureezy, Chanette, and Melissa. All are very hard workers are really love all of the kids in Ocean View. I love being a part of the team and serving with them each day!
Thank you everyone for continually praying for me while I am over here. I know I say this all the time, but I truly am so thankful to be serving in Cape Town and being a part of God's plan for the Kingdom. I am humbled each and every day I am here. I am also learning to trust in the Lord more than I ever have before. Knowing that Christ is by my side in this journey is just so amazing. I pray that I continue to trust in Him at all times and I ask that you all please pray for me in that as well.
Thank you again for reading and keeping up with what the Lord is doing in my life! Looking forward to what's to come.
In Him,
"The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Hey Katherine,
ReplyDeleteLove hearing all you are doing! Red Velvet Waffles is now something I'm going to dream about! Really thought Kinsey might hide in your room and not come back. She had such a great time and was so glad to see you.
I know the people of cape town are loving you as much as we do! I am going to miss you on beach retreat!
nancy and the martin gang!