Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 2: Complete

It's crazy that I have already been in Cape Town for almost 2 weeks now!  I am really trying to take in every second and make it last as long as possible.  Although I have only been here for 2 weeks, the Lord has blessed me with such a close knit group of people to be around.  I am so thankful for each and every one of them.  

Yesterday was the last day for holiday clubs (lasts for 3 weeks) in Ocean View.  Before I even left for OV, I woke up at 6:00 and left to go running with one of the volunteers here, Josh.  We ran a little over 3 miles in the pitch dark... the stars and moon were still beaming! It was the first time I was able to run since I left America, and it felt so great (even in 48 degrees).  There was a chance we could have seen baboons out too!  They roam the streets like squirrels do in the U.S.  CRAZY!!! Got back, ate breakfast, and left with Will around 8:30 to go to the civic center.  We played with the kids outside and set up for the day inside.  It is so great to walk in the front of the building and immediately be greeted by the kids.  I absolutely love it.  We started off with praise and worship in big group, then moved on to recreation.  I played duck duck goose with the 6-8 year olds.  I quickly learned that I do not have the stamina anymore to chase a small child around a very large circle.  Quite depressing.  It just so happened that they loved picking me as the goose because they got to see me attempt to catch them.  After catching my breath and asking the children to listen to Ms. Julie (team leader of life skills), we rotated to crafts.  They actually were very obedient when I was explaining what they would be making- praise the Lord!  Once we finished making streamers, it was time for the Bible story.  Ashwyn, another team leader, gave the Bible story in Afrikaans and English.  While praying, he asked the children who had never accepted Christ before to raise their hand and then encouraged them to find a leader to pray with them.  There were lots of children who did raise their hands.  Even though some may have been too young to even know what he was explaining, I prayed that a seed be planted in them so that they may grow in knowing Christ as their Savior.  I truly believe that the kids in Ocean View can make the difference within the community.  Even though it may be challenging, I pray that God will be by their sides at all times.  

After the kids clubs, we had a short break for lunch.  Lauren (Laureezy) and I had a chance to talk outside for a little bit about our family life, schools, etc.  I learned that she is an only child and her father passed away about a year ago from cancer.  I would have never known anything like that could have happened to Lauren because she is always so joyful and loving.  It was so encouraging to hear her story and then see her caring for all the kids in Ocean View.  I am so glad I have gotten to know her better and look forward to strengthening our relationship in the weeks to come! 

Lauren introduced me to a 13 year old boy named Dylan who has grown up in Ocean View his entire life.  She informed me that he made it to the second round of South Africa's Got Talent. Yes, incredible, I know.  His voice is absolutely beautiful!  I tried posting a video of him to this page, but it didn't seem to work.  Hopefully, I'll be able to share it somehow soon.  

Teen club began around 2:00.  The teens are somewhat of a challenge; however, once you get to know them, they can definitely open up to you.  Richard, one of the long term volunteers, gave his testimony on 1 Timothy 4:12.  I was asked to give a devotion the day before, but we ran out of time.  The verse that I decided to speak on was 1 Timothy 4:12 (one of my all time favorites).  Total God moment.  His testimony was incredible.  He talked about how to be a good example within the community and how to take advantage of the great role models that are available to talk with them.  He spoke for about 20 minutes or so and then challenged the teens to make their profession of faith if they had not already.  We broke up into small groups of boys and girls.  There were about 7 teen girls that Chanette, Angie, Lauren, and I prayed with.  All 7 of them were in tears during the prayer.  God gave me the opportunity to pray with a 14 year old girl sitting next to me and to share His love with her and let her know that she can always run to Christ.  I will continue to pray for her and the rest of the girls as they begin to be the light within their community.  Thankful to be with them each day. 

Once we finished up at club, Will and I went home for a quick break before coming back to Ocean View that evening.  The holiday club performance was starting around 5:30 and we invited all of the children's parents to come and watch!  It was a fantastic turnout!  The parents filled the room which was such a blessing.  The kids and teens each performed various songs, which were extremely well received from the audience.  It was such a great show.  Once it finished, we served a meal to all of the parents there.  It's crazy to think that that one meal could have been the only one for the entire day.  If that's not humbling, I don't know what is! 

We got back to the house around 6:45 or so and finished up dinner with the rest of our team.  Ms. Bernie made chicken curry and vegetable wraps, of which were divine.  After supper, a few of us just chilled in the living room area and talked about various subjects.  Great fellowshipping.  

Even though holiday clubs are officially over, I will still be going to Ocean View for their afternoon clubs they have.  When the kids get home from school, they can come to the afternoon club and still be very active within the Living Right (education branch) ministry.  Looking forward to that!  Next week, I will be working with Living Way (economic empowerment branch) and Living Grace (homeless ministry).  Can't wait to see how both of those work out! 

(The next post will be about my day today [Friday] so keep reading!)

"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for those in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

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