Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day of Rest.

Literally, the one word that describes today is restful.  It has been such a nice and relaxing day!  Mia and I slept in until 10:15 this morning, so we got about 12 hours of sleep, which was incredible!  For breakfast, I ate toast with nutella, cereal with granola, yogurt, and mango juice.  Great way to start the day!  After breakfast, we sat in the living room for awhile and then I went out in the backyard to read When Helping Hurts.  Great book that brings up really great points about the importance of establishing Christ-centered relationships among poor communities.  He makes the point that it's not just about providing resources to the poor, but instead walking with them in humble relationships. He quotes 1 John 3:17, "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"  If you have ever been on a short term or long term mission trip, I highly recommend reading this book.  Very convicting!!!

The next volunteer arrived this afternoon! Her name is Berrit and she is from Wimbledon, UK.  Needless to say, I am going to try and learn how to have a better British accent! 

There is another volunteer named Kathryn, who actually is from Birmingham, UK.  TWO BRITS IN ONE HOUSE!  It's awesome.  She has worked as a nurse and a midwife.  Now, she will be working with Living Care and then heading back to school to be ordained as a minister.  Cool story.  I sat with them for over 2 hours asking a variety of questions and discovering many differences between British and American culture.  I learned many British phrases from Kathryn (who I have nicknamed Mama K).  Hannah B., you would be proud of the many phrases that I have learned from them! Not sure if I can teach them many American phrases...oops.   They did inform me that I use the word "awesome" quite a bit!  Haha, I guess that is very true.  Berrit told me it reminds her of a surfer.... Awesome. 

As I got to know both of them pretty well, we watched the sun go down in front of the house. Beautiful sunset!  I have attached several pictures for you all to see.  Cannot wait to see many more in the next several weeks!  

We ate dinner around 6:00.  Our cook, Ms. Bernadette (Ms. Bernie for short), made rice, broccoli and cauliflower, roasted chicken, a salad, and potato wedges. Delicious! She is an excellent cook- very thankful to have her. 

Right now, South Africa's Got Talent is on TV.  Mom and Dad, the talent on this show is infinitely better than that American nonsense.  It's like STOMP South African style.  Awesome.  Modern Family comes on next! 
Tomorrow, we get our assigned workplace for the time we are here! Looking forward to seeing where I will be serving.  I pray that wherever I end up, the Lord will use me to do his work and allow me to get to know the people that I work with each day.  I also pray that I will completely trust in Christ and his plans for me over the next 6 weeks.  Only He knows what the future holds!  Can't wait to see what's to come! 

Some pictures so far... I am very thankful to be staying in such a beautiful house.  I was not expecting such nice accommodations! Very very thankful. 
Beautiful view from our room! 

The backyard view. 

Not sure if I'll be swimming in this pool when the high is 62...

Front of the house. 
Micah 6:8
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

1 comment:

  1. Katherine - we look forward to following your adventure through your blog and will be praying for you each day. We had a "Facetime" chat with Sarah this afternoon (Midnight in Capetown) with a cameo appearance by Deanna Barnette. They are well.

    We love you.

    The Vianey's
