Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Great day for singing songs.

The sunrise this morning was absolutely breathtaking on our way to Living Grace.  Berrit, Becca, Holden, and I left the house around 7:30 with David.  We walk in to Living Grace and start helping out with sorting fruit and vegetables that had been donated.  We started a devotion this morning with about 25+ people.  It was so cool to see all of them there just completely in tune to what was said and really listening to each word.  You can see the passion that they have for Christ just by looking at their faces when they sing songs.  They truly rejoice in the Lord, which is so encouraging to me.  I have only been to Living Grace one other time, but I have loved going each time.  What a blessing!  Ms. Joan is the supervisor of the program, and she is an absolute saint.  She is the feistiest 79 year old woman I have ever encountered and people have so much respect for her.  It truly shows!  We helped prepare the food by chopping up various fruits and vegetables; we also helped organize the pantry.  I absolutely loved being there with everyone just soaking it all in.  To end our time at LG, we had another devotion and sang several songs.  Our favorite one to sing is "Give Me Oil," which I filmed them singing today.  Ms. Joan gave one of the men there a tambourine to use while singing; at the same time, some other guys were making drum beats with their hands on the table.  It was awesome.  In fact, it was so awesome that we sang it twice.  
Auntie Joan, Living Grace Supervisor
After Living Grace, David took me back to the house so I could get a few things before I left for Ocean View.  It was a great day at work.  Chanette and I were in charge of making the crafts for grades 5-7.  We have a team there this week from Danville, Arkansas who have been to Ocean View twice before, so it is nice to have more helping hands! 
So, my schedule for afternoon clubs (in terms of location) is as follows: 
M: Mountain View
T: Ocean View
W: Mountain View
TH: Marine Primary School (in OV, but further down from main office)
F: Training Day at LH office
Monday through Thursday I work with the kids, while Will works with the teens the opposite of my location.  I absolutely love it!  I have learned so much from the LSEs and have really appreciated all they do for the ministry.  They are all so incredible with the kids and I respect them more and more every single day.  

While I was helping a few girls make the craft, they began asking me about America and where I'm from.  Michael Jackson was brought up, so obviously I loved that conversation with them.  Then they asked me if I knew Justin Bieber and if he lives close to where I'm from.... not quite.  I taught them a few dance/hand games here and there, which they really enjoyed.  Lots of laughs.  Whenever I ask them what my name is, they always give me a blank face at first and then begin to remember by guessing.  I always correct them with "Nooooo, it starts with a K..."; "Kasey?!", "Kaitlyn?!"; "No, Katherine, but you can call me K.T.!!!"  So now, they all shout "Katie," which is very ironic because I have never ever wanted to be called "Katie."  Well, the name has stuck... at least in Cape Town.

It's hard to believe we only have a week and a half left of ministry!  I really wish I could stay for a longer period of time.  God has shown me so much over the last several weeks and I am so thankful for every day spent here.  Tonight after dinner, I spoke with Ms. Anita (Ms. Bernie's mother) in the kitchen for a good bit.  She asked me how I have enjoyed my time thus far in South Africa.  I went on and on about how much I have loved every second here and how God has been teaching me so much through the people that I have met.  She brought up faith and how people have a tendency to doubt the Lord's plan for them.  She told me to never ever doubt the Lord and to always trust in Him even when people are telling me differently.  I learned that Ms. Anita lost her husband 4 years ago from cancer and always had to stay strong for her family.  She told me that the Lord was by her side the entire time for her to always lean on Him and trust that everything would be okay.  Another great point that she brought up was when we were discussing about going on journeys for Christ and how we need to surround ourselves with people who will build us up rather than question our motives for following God's plan.  That was so powerful to me!  It was such a blessing to hear a strong and loyal South African woman share part of her journey in the Kingdom with me.  The Lord truly shines through her all the time!  What an incredible woman!!!  Thankful that God allowed me to have that strong conversation with her tonight.  Great way to end the evening.  

Thank you for all of the prayers! Please pray that I will continue to make the most out of the ministry that the Lord has set out for me.  Also, I mentioned on a few posts ago about becoming a D.A.D. using the Dollar A Day program.  I pray that you will consider looking into this program in order to help Living Hope continue their ministry in Cape Town through Christ!!  


Matthew 6:25-27
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

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