Friday, July 27, 2012

The South.

Today was definitely a busy one, which I absolutely loved!

This morning, we helped Tim and Natasha again with the shoe project instead of going to LSE training like we usually do on Fridays.  We finished pricing all of the men's shoes and most of the women's which was definitely a weight off of our shoulders.  We need to be finished with pricing them before Tuesday because that's when the shoe sale starts!  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out!  

Around lunchtime, Berrit, Mia, Will, Holden, David, Tim, and I all went to a very famous "restaurant" in Masiphumele.  It is the same meat place I went to a few weeks back with the Samford ladies.  Just a little hole in the wall that serves steaks bigger than my face.  Crazy.  Definitely a cultural experience because they only provide the meat and soda.  It's your responsibility to go out and buy bread to eat it with.  Awesome.  

After lunch, we went back to the house to pick up Mama K and Becca (who is still sick- pray that she will quickly heal) to go to Cape Point!  Blue skies all above us so we made the most out of the beautiful weather!  David drove us (-Will) about 30 minutes to Cape Point which is right next to Cape of Good Hope (the most southern tip of the Western Cape).  Here is a map to show you where it is in relation to South Africa as a whole. 

On our way into Cape Point, David was telling us that zebras, ostriches, springbok, and other animals could be seen on either side of the road in the bush.  I was pumped!!!  I have always wanted to see an ostrich in the wild just hanging out, and guess what we saw?!  FOUR OSTRICHES!!!!  It was incredible!!  David slowed down so we could take pictures of them on the side of the road.  They weren't skittish at all, which really surprised me.  It was so COOL to see them that up close!  



So Cape Point, here we come!  We made it there, parked the van, and then hiked up the path to get to the very top where a lighthouse was located overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.  BEAUTIFUL!!! The water was absolutely breathtaking!  Holden, David, Berrit, and I walked down a little further on another cliff to get a better view.  It was stunning.  Below are some pictures of the scenery!
KT, Mia, Berrit, Mama K, Becca, & Holden overlooking the Cape of Good Hope!

At the top of Cape Point

I absolutely loved it!  Possibly my favorite touristy thing we have done so far!  It was gorgeous every where I looked!  We spent probably an hour and a half walking up and down exploring Cape Point.  Once we left there, we drove down and around to Cape of Good Hope, the most south-western point of Africa.  Once again, fantastic view.  God has definitely blessed the world to be surrounded by nature.  I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to experience and embrace His beauty all around me!  

It's so beautiful everywhere!  Holden got a great view of everything by climbing the top of the cliff.  I tried to do the same, but failed epically by not finding a direct route up.  Oh well... I still got to do some rock climbing by myself, which was really fun! 

Holden at the very top!
Once we left the Cape, we were driving back and Mama K shouted in her amazing British accent, "Baboons! Oh, just look at them!"  Now, baboons are known for jumping into cars if you're not careful, so David made us lock all of our doors and close the windows just to be on the safe side.  There was a family of about 7 with 3 little baby baboons walking across the street!  They were so cute, yet so ugly at the same time!  I was so thrilled to see them out in the wild just being monkeys!  It was so cool to experience that! 

On our way home, we stopped at a beach to watch the sunset!  It was beautiful!!! Great way to end a great and productive day!  Thankful to have such a loving community around me all the time.  I am so fortunate to have the little things that bring so much joy, like the impression of me that Mia does all the time, or the facial expressions of Holden.  Can't wait to soak up every second with every one over the next 2 weeks!  Looking forward to it!  Thanks for reading!  


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