Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Church x2

Today has been a very relaxing and productive day!

We left the house this morning around 8:45 to attend King of Kings Baptist Church.  Pastor John Thomas, founder and chairman of Living Hope, is the pastor there.  It is not a mega church whatsoever, but it is still a good size to hold about 300 people or so in the service.  The service itself reminded me a lot of my own church, Brookwood Baptist.  It was really cool to be singing some of the same songs that Brookwood sings each Sunday.  I really enjoyed the sermon as well.  He preached on 1 Corinthians 12 and how the church body should be very active within the community.  Great message well spoken.  It's great to hear about all the work that King of Kings is doing in Cape Town.  I am very glad I was able to come hear John Thomas speak.  He is such an incredible man with a huge heart and love for all of God's people.  It's really cool because the King of Kings mission statement is "Love God. Love People. Make Disciples."  This is very similar to one of Samford's University Ministries slogans, "Love God. Love People."  That was neat to see a little piece of home right in the heart of Cape Town.  

That service lasted until about 11:00 this morning.  We then drove to the township Masiphumelele to attend a second service.  It was a much smaller church, yet the amount of love for the Lord shown radiated through the people there.  Lots of dancing, clapping, and chanting.  It was awesome.  The music was so great although we couldn't understand their language, Xhosa.  It's still amazing to me that we worship the same Savior, even though our languages and lifestyles are completely different.  We worshipped for about an hour with the people in Masi and then headed home after leaving there.  It was  great to experience both types of worship back to back.  I really loved going to both services!

We ate leftovers for lunch and then I took a great Sunday nap.  Much needed!  I woke up and chilled for a few hours.  It is nice to have some time to relax when we are on schedules all the time.  Being the type of person who loves to stay busy throughout the day, it is nice to have a break every now and then!

Mama K and Berrit are currently watching Wimbledon on TV.  Mama K loves her some tennis, hence the 'ooohs' and 'aaahhhs' at Murray's playing.  She was thrilled to find out that it was the first Brit in a very long time to make it to the finals.    

Just finished up dinner which was fantastic!  We ate pork roast, rice, cauliflower and broccoli casserole,  veggie medley, and a salad.  Ms. Bernie is such a talented chef- so thankful to have her!

Looking forward to week #2 in Ocean View!  It's so crazy that I have already been here for a week!  Please pray for continued strength as I work within the community.  Grateful to be here!

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