Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 2: Complete, pt. 2

Fridays are always the best.  I absolutely love them.  My point- today was a fantastic Friday.  

All of the volunteers (-Mama K) went to the main LH office this morning to help Tim move the boxes of mismatched shoes that we worked on last week to the street so they could be picked up.  We helped with that for about 45 minutes to an hour.  Our driver, David (can't remember if I mentioned him before), is a young guy from Cape Town picked us up around 9:00 to take us to our townships.  Will and I were dropped off in Ocean View to help clean the office and hang out with the team leaders- Ashwyn and Ms. Julie.  We finished organizing/cleaning around 10 and then chatted with Ms. Julie.  Somehow, we started talking about the book of Job and Ms. Julie said it really changed the way she lives.  She explained that even though Job "said" he was patient with the Lord, he still cursed his name, but the Lord still loved Him unconditionally.  She said that even though she can be frustrated at things in her own life, she still has a firm foundation in Christ and believes in His mercy and power so much.  

After chatting for a little while, I went with Ashwyn to the grocery store, Pick N' Pay, to buy food for the life skills educators and teen helpers. We planned to have a little celebration in honor of being finished with the holiday clubs.  We bought a whole BBQ chicken, fresh rolls, lots of oddly flavored chips, and various flavors of Jive soda.  It was cool to get to know him better through that.  I was able to hear his story of how he became a team leader in Ocean View, which was very encouraging!  After 30 or so minutes of shopping, we drove back to the office and unloaded all of the food.  I asked Ashwyn, "So, what do we do now?" His response, "We wait."  Alrighty then!  We waited for about an hour and a half before the teens or LSEs arrived for lunch.  Once they arrived, we had a great time together.  I'm so happy to be assigned to Ocean View.  They are such a fun group of people!  

David picked us up around 2:30 and then took us back home.  The Samford girls and a few others mentioned about hiking Lion's Head mountain.  Yes please.  We left a little after 3 to drive 40 minutes away to the bottom of this mountain.  Beautiful drive.  We didn't necessarily start at the bottom of the mountain.... more like half way up?  Not really sure.  Needless to say, it was gorgeous the entire way!  The further we hiked, the more difficult it got.  At one point, the group split and I went with the boys to climb up the rock rather than walk around it.  Oh boy.  Definitely got a good work out with that one!  We had a blast getting to the tip top of the mountain.  Also, a very important note.... the wind was OUTRAGEOUS.  I have never felt such strong winds before in my life.  And of course, the higher you go, the more forceful the winds are.  Once we got to the very top, I literally blew over a few times.  Don't worry folks, I made it out alive (obviously, since I am typing this blog now... ).  I was able to get some pictures of God's beautiful creation! 
Trying to stay warm at the top! Reppin' the neon as usual! 

Holden taking cover before the next gust comes to knock him over. 

Josh in the distance! 
It was so gorgeous all around!  The hike down was just as fun too.  There were a total of 10 of us who hiked it.  We got down the mountain (thankfully, the winds didn't take over that much) in about an hour.  We got home around 6:45, ate Ms. Bernie's homemade Gatsbys (SO GOOD), and then left to go to a breakdancing/talent show in Ocean View! Probably 15 of us went... we had a great time! It took place at Ocean View Baptist Church, which made it even better!  Dr. Barnette, if you're reading this, the pastor of the church rapped for the show..... If you could juggle and rap, that would make one bumpin' service!  It was really neat to see a lot of our kids there too!  Will and I spotted several of them and got to talk with a few about the different acts performing.  A couple of my teen girls sang beautifully!  I sat with Angie and Richard and they interpreted anything spoken in Afrikaans for me, which was extremely helpful.  It was quite the experience.  

On the agenda for tomorrow: Leave at 8 AM to hike Table Mountain (my legs are going to hate me); Go to the Stormers Rugby match around 2 PM; come home and rest! 




  1. Katherine,

    Thanks for your faithfulness in keeping your blog updated. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your adventures. Keep 'em coming. We pray for you daily.


  2. Will work on becoming Rappler (juggling + rap). Love and prayers your way!

  3. I am loving your blog posts! We are super proud of you and know the Lord is using you for His glory in mighty ways!!!
