Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Story of Living Hope.

Last night, after dinner, Pastor John Thomas and his wife, Avril, came by to visit with us.  They are truly a remarkable couple who have done some incredible things for Cape Town through Living Hope.  They shared how each branch began and I would like to share them here.  

In November 1999, Pastor John of King of Kings Baptist Church heard a statistic from a woman in the community down the street, Masiphumelele, that 44% of the people living in Masi were HIV positive.  Years later, he found this statistic to be false; 15% were infected.  Last night, John said that if he had heard that number initially, he thinks he wouldn't have done anything about it.  He thought to himself, "Maybe a living hope could come out of this."

Living Care [Health Care Center]:  One day, John heard that a woman in Masi who had been admitted into the hospital for HIV was kicked out because the hospital couldn't make room for her.  A few days later, she went back to the hospital and collapsed on the emergency room floor and passed away.  After hearing this story, John said that can never happen again.  So, they started the health care center (began as a hospice). 

Living Right [Life Skills/Prevention]: King of Kings wanted to begin teaching AIDS awareness and abstinence.  However, the principal of the local primary school wouldn't allow them to, so John asked them what they needed.  The principal asked for people to come in and teach English to the 2nd graders.  So, they did just that.  They taught them C-compassion, J-Jesus, L-love, F-forgiveness, H-HIV.  It worked!  Eventually, the principal found out what they were doing and decided to let them go ahead and teach the kids how to live right.  I love the following statement that Avril said last night: "It's easier to build a whole child than to mend a broken man."  So powerful. 

Living Way [Economic Empowerment]: One day in Masi, John spoke with a pregnant 14 year old girl about poverty.  When he asked her, "How did this happen?"  She responded with, "What do you mean how did this happen?  I realized when I was 12, I wouldn't likely finish high school in order to get a job to only earn $30/week.  So, if I get HIV/AIDS in the next 5 years, I can die by age 20.  So, I'm going to party as hard as I can and have sex as much as possible in hopes of contracting HIV so I won't ever have to face poverty." Heartbreaking.  Absolutely heartbreaking.  John was absolutely speechless.  The girl then said, "And Pastor, I'm right on track."  John said at the moment poverty had to be eradicated.  He thought, if people begin to learn skills, they can get a job, and eventually break the cycle of poverty. 

Living Grace [Rehab/Recovery]: Avril began this ministry when she stumbled upon a drunk woman lying in the road refusing to move.  She began to pull her out, but Maggie spat in her face.  Avril looked into her eyes and thought, "God loves this woman, and so will I."  She began to serve the homeless whenever she "had time."  She was convicted by the passage in Luke 17 where Jesus was on his way, but heard the the call of the lepers and healed all of them.  She was blessed by finding a property that was once used as a dance club, but had gone on sale.  Immediately, she knew the Lord would do incredible things with the homeless in that part of town.  

Each of the branches have been inspired by a person who moved John or Avril to do something about the issue.  At Living Hope, every decision they make revolves around Isaiah 58 (breaking the yoke of oppression) and Matthew 25: 34-40 (see below).  "Wherever you have poverty, you have oppression; wherever you have oppression, you have injustice.  You need someone to stand up," says John.  Powerful words.  

Ways that we can help:
1. Sign up to be a D.A.D. (Dollar A Day) Pledge to contribute $1 per day for a whole year.  Yes, that is the cost difference between a tall and grande coffee from Starbucks.  (Yes, I said it...let's face it- saving lives is much more important than your caffeine intake for the day!)

2. Buy a CD by the Masi Choir or an awesome t-shirt! 

3. Pray that the health care center will be able to raise the $32,000/month that has been cut by the international aid.  (As of October 1, 2012, PEPFAR is cutting international aid from 0.9% to 0.3% which will strongly affect the Living Care branch)
Please visit the website to see how you can help!!!

I didn't even share all of the stories they told us last night!  If you are interested in hearing more, please let me know!  I hope those who read this have been encouraged by the words spoken by John and Avril.  I was so humbled and encouraged last night listening to the both of them share the story behind Living Hope.  So blessed to be serving in such an incredible ministry that seeks to reach people through Christ every single day!!! 

Matthew 25:34-40
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdomprepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

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