Tuesday, July 3, 2012

First Day!

First day of work was fantastic.

Mia and I were able to sleep in a little bit longer than Berrit and Becca because we didn't need to leave for our communities until 8:30.  Sweet Mia woke me up with, "Oh Katherinnne, it's time to wake uuuuppp!"  I have now officially deemed her to be my big sister.  And Mama K, being the wonderful British woman (and mother) that she is, came upstairs to make sure we were up and ready for breakfast.  We ate a quick breakfast and headed out the door for our first day!  We dropped Mama K off at Living Care where she will be working with the patients there each day.  Next, Will and I were dropped off at the Oceanview office.  Mia went on to work in the Red Hill community.

Will and I were greeted by Chanette, who is a really cool girl a couple of years younger than me and works as a life skills educator.  We walked into the office there and went upstairs.  We were told that there would not be any kids camps this morning, so we just sat up there and really got to know one another!  There were 2 more life skills educators that worked there as well, both great girls- Melissa and Lauren.  They began to as us about our favorite musicians, television shows, sports, etc.  William, being the huge SEC football fan that he is (of which, I could care less about), began to explain the rivalry between Auburn and Alabama.  We also discussed genres of music and learned that Chanette is a huge fan of country music, specifically Lady Antebellum.  I let Will take care of that one.... I talked to Lauren about Beyonce, Nike high tops, and other awesomeness.  It was really neat seeing how similar, yet different both cultures are with one another.  I absolutely love getting to know people here, especially when I will be working with them for several weeks!  So from about 9:00-12:30, we just got to know the Living Hope staff at Oceanview.

Shortly after that, we walked a few blocks to the civic center, which is a smaller sized gym that they use to host the kids clubs.  It's a great location that is settled in between two communities- Oceanview and Mountainview.  On the walk over, I briefly mentioned that I like to try and beatbox whenever I feel like it.  So, they asked me to do it.  [People, keep in mind all I do is repeat "boots and cats" really quickly in a popping fashion and it sounds mediocre compared to actual beatboxers.]  However, they thought it was the COOLEST thing and Chanette kept asking me to do it over and over so she could learn how....still working on that one.  We got to the center and set up the room for the kids who would be arriving in about an hour.  In the meantime, they pulled out the sound system and plugged in one of their cell phones.  I told them that I love to dance to upbeat jams--Lauren immediately looked up, grinned, and shouted, "Me too!!!"  This is the beginning of a great friendship.  They began to play Beyonce, then "Party Rock Anthem", etc.  Not quite sure if they were laughing at me or with me?? Pretty sure it was at me.... Had a great time nevertheless.  I actually spotted a few kids who were waiting outside actually doing the "Party Rock" shuffle.  It was hysterical.  Lauren (who I call Laureezy) had some awesome dance moves that I told her I wanted to learn.  She agreed.  Will just sat on the sidelines and probably thought to himself, "Who is this chick dancing, beatboxing, and talking in a British accent?".  This is who he gets to be with for the next 5 weeks- hollllaaaa!

Lauren and I walked (with about 10 kids hanging on us) to the Mountainview community to invite more children to come.  Walking through these communities is always very touching and eye opening.  It's just so hard to fathom the fact that the conditions they live in is completely normal to them.  I just pray that even in difficult circumstances, they can always just turn to Christ and be reminded of the fact that he loves them just as much.

When we arrived back at the civic center, there was a room full of about 50 or so kids.  The cutest kids.  All of them were absolutely precious and just had the sweetest faces. They would stare at me for a very long time (considering I was the fairest person there) and play with my ponytail and poke my arms.  Quite humorous actually.  A couple of girls wanted me to do the motions with them to various songs we sang.  Sidenote: Laureezy gave me several gospel artists to look up.  Definitely doing that soon!  After worship, the kids broke up into grades and then were sent to each station.  It was a very similar concept to vacation Bible schools that we have in the States.  I was put in charge of the craft station.  So, I walk over to my area and immediately notice.... glitter.  I thought to myself, "Ohhhh myy goodness."  From past experiences, I have learned to never use glitter in VBS.  But you know, the kids love it, so let's give it a go.  By golly, did we give it a go!  There were many times where I caught the children rubbing the gluesticks on each cheek and then just throwing the handfuls of glitter onto their faces.  YIKES.  I had so much on me, I was twinkling in the sunlight when I left.  Met some really great kids today.  Can't wait to get to know them better!  I really pray that the Lord will allow me to listen to the children and hear their own stories before he gives me the opportunity to share mine.  I know he is in control of every conversation and I am learning to rely on him for the words to come through the Holy Spirit.  Gosh, that is such an incredible thing to think about!

Will and I were picked up around 4:00.  We joined Mama K in the backseat and headed to Red Hill to pick up Mia.  The drive there was along the coast and it was absolutely GORGEOUS.  The waves were just crashing against some huge rocks all the way down.  It was beautiful.  Reminded by God's beauty all around me all the time!

We got home around 5:00 and I went immediately upstairs to get ready (and wash the glitter off) to go to the Team House for dinner, where the Brookwood people are staying!!!  I was so excited to be able to see them before they go!  I left around 5:45 and arrived about 6:00 in front of a beautiful house literally on the coast of the cape.  It was incredible.  Brookwood parents who are reading this, I can assure you, your kids are doing absolutely FINE.  It was great seeing all of them there.  Kinsey greets me at the stairs and offers the grand tour of the house.  I accepted.  The next thing I hear is Ms. Deanna's laugh down the hall.  Receiving a hug from her was so great and much needed.  Reminded me of my own mother (love you Ma!).  We had a delicious dinner that consisted of chicken pasta, fresh bread, cranberry salad, and a pumpkin side dish.  It was all SO GOOD.  Great catching up with them!  Typical Brookwood fashion with everyone talking at once at the loudest volume possible.... especially some dude with some big square glasses... love you Will.  It was just so nice to sit with friends and share stories.

After dinner, Larry led the group with a devotional on Matthew 5 and many of the students brought up some great points from the passage.  It was neat to hear their thoughts on the passage within the context of being on a mission trip.  At the same time, Ms. Deanna had stepped out to answer a call that we later found out was a call from the BBC staff back home to video chat with us.  Dr. B, Pastor Tim, and the rest of the crew crowded around the table to say hello to everyone!  I followed Ms. Deanna out to talk with them a bit longer and let them know how we are all doing.  It was great to see them as well.  And last but not least, I was able to video chat with my Hannah Joy!  She looked beautiful as always (even waking up from her graceful slumber)!  Love you RFL!

Began to say my goodbyes around 9:30 and shortly after.  Ms. Deanna came along for the ride to where I am staying just to see it and meet some people!  It was great to show her the place!  Thankful I was able to spend some great quality time with my Brookwood family tonight.  Praying for you guys and the rest of your time here!!!

I do not have one complaint about today.  God is so faithful and I am so blessed by his unfailing love.  Looking forward to the rest of this week!  Thankful for all of the prayers!  They are always appreciated!!!

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Praying for you my friend! I love you and cannot wait to hear what the Lord has in store for you this summer.... Remember Ephesians 6:13-20 (esp. 19-20).
