Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Writing Math Curriculum?!

Never in a million years did I imagine myself writing up a math curriculum!!!  The Lord definitely has a sense of humor, because math has never been my strongest subject.  But here I am, at Living Way, creating math worksheets on multiplication, division, percentages, etc.  Thankfully, they are all very simple problems, but it is still challenging to have so many different versions of one problem!  It's making me realize how time consuming curriculum writing can be.  I am so glad that I am able to contribute to the program they teach for the people in the surrounding communities.  It's cool to think that they will one day be taking my math practice tests in order to learn simple ways of calculating money.  I really enjoyed helping out there this morning.  There was also a great devotional given by one of the staff members.  They spoke on being on a journey and how when you go to a location, the journey shouldn't just be in the final destination; it needs to continue on wherever you are in your life.  Very encouraging to hear those words, especially since I will be continuing on in my own journey when I head back to the States.  

Afterwards, David picked me up to head back to the house so I could eat before kids clubs.  Mia and I really wanted to go to Compass Bakery, a huge factory that distributes fresh baked goods daily at great prices, so we had David take us after lunch!  It was awesome.  I bought some banana bread and marble cake.  Yes please.  

When Will and I arrived at the Ocean View office, we all devoured the banana bread like it was our job.  So great.  I was talking to Laureezy about teaching the kids "Oh Happy Day" in clubs today and how it would be so much fun.  So what did we do?  We printed out the lyrics and practiced for club!  It was hysterical.  Now, this is the song from Sister Act (follow the link to hear some incredible Gospel tunes), not the one we sing at church camps. Chanette and I were the ones to repeat Lauren when she would sing the first part, and then it would switch over to us to lead the kids.  We practiced in the office for a while and then walking to Mountain View.  We were shouting it in the streets and received many stares, but hey, we were praising the high and mighty Christ Jesus!!! PRAISE HIM!  So, we got to Mountain View and played with the kids for a little while.  Several girls came running up to me with big hugs shouting "Katie, dance! Dance!"  So, we did!  They had all been practicing the hand jive that I taught them on Monday!  It was great to see them smiling and laughing all over the place.  Melissa called everyone in for club, so the kids gathered around and began saying the Lord's Prayer in Afrikaans.  It is the most precious thing to listen to ever!!!   Today they said it in English as well!  Angie recapped what Lauren taught on Monday: compassion, faith, and prayer.  

Next up, praise and worship!!!  We started off with the Cha Cha Slide again [substituting the words to fit the theme of hygiene from last week]; that led in to "Give Me a J-E-S-U-S"; and eventually, "OH HAPPY DAY!"  We had the kids swaying back and forth and snapping on the beat.  It was fantastic.  Below is a snapshot of the video that was recorded! 
Teaching the kids "Oh Happy Day"! 
"Give Me a J! J you got that J, you got that J..."

The highlight of my day was teaching that and then hearing all the kids sing it the rest of the day!  What a great day in Mountain View.  David and the rest of the team picked me up from there and then we went to get Mia from Red Hill where she works.  Red Hill is one of the rural communities that consists of tin roof shanties lined up side by side.  We got out and walked in to where they were feeding the kids lunch.  While we were waiting on Mia, a young boy came over to us and began harassing several of us.  His name was Carl and he called us names, shouted profanities, etc.  He said we were the "white oppressors" and that we didn't need to come and help them, so we should just leave and go home.  Apparently, it was all talk because Mia says Carl acts like this some days and then other days he is very engaged with the Bible stories.  Nevertheless, it was extremely heartbreaking to hear him say stuff like that right in our faces.  Please pray for Carl to be Christ-like in everything that he does and to truly find peace in Jesus Christ.  He comes from a rough family life, which causes a lot of his behavior issues to come out at club.  Please keep him in your prayers!!! 

All in all, it was another day living in God's Kingdom that I am so thankful to be a part of.  I am learning so much here and I pray that the Lord will give me the strength to finish strong in the next couple of weeks.  Thankful for the prayers!

1 Timothy 6:12
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

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