Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Garden Route: Day 3 & 4

This post will be combining the last 2 days because we were without any wifi last night!  So bear with me because there are a lot of pictures!  Yesterday morning, we left the Best Little Guest House in the pouring down rain and drove straight to the Cango Caves (about 45 minutes away).  The caves were absolutely incredible!  Most of us went on the "Adventure Tour" rather than the standard tour to get the full caving experience.  It was absolutely spectacular.  It's so crazy to think that those caves have been there for over 700,000 years!!! We were able to crawl through various holes within the caves and slide down head first into more caves!  Unbelievable.  Here are some pictures (that still don't capture the full beauty) of the Cango Caves.  

This hole was called Devil's Chimney that we had to crawl through.  Our guide referred to that light at the top as Jesus. So, he recommended that we keep going until we can see Jesus.  Awesome.  

Adventure Tour group!
Berrit, Holden, Mia, KT, Natasha, Tim, and William



Yes, that was the actual size of something we had to crawl through.  Insanity. 

The whole crew! What an awesome experience!
After visiting the caves, we went to a beach about 45 minutes away which was absolutely gorgeous.  Although it was raining, we still walked along the secluded beach and just marveled in God's creation.  There was actually a mountain that looked similar to a sphinx!  Such a cool area.  I discovered that I am not the only one who loves to look at various shells and rocks on the beach!  Natasha and I walked along the coast for about an hour just finding different shells and sea critters. 

Mia and Natasha frolicking. 
There's the sphinx! 
Notice the cross on the mountain in the back left! 
"Natasha's Garden"
 After visiting this beach, we went to another one for just a little bit to go see a cliff drop off!  So beautiful. 

We finished the day off at a restaurant, Off the Hook.  Very good, until I found out this morning that 3 of the 10 were sick all last night.... Yikes.  This morning, we left around 8:30 to head to FACE ADRENALINE.  


Okay, so most of you who know me well know that I love to do any sort of high thrill activity.  I absolutely love the feeling of adrenaline, so I HAD to jump off a bridge today!  I'm not even going to try and explain the feelings that I had.... Here are some pictures from this morning!!!

One of the most incredible and terrifying feelings I have ever experienced. 

SAFE AND SOUND (still freaking out afterwards)
Tim and Natasha walked the bridge with us for support! 

The bridge behind us! INSANE!!!

I do have video of it, so I will post that shortly!  It's outrageous. 

After bungee jumping, more adventure began.  We went ziplining through the jungle!!! It was awesome.  There were 9 different ziplines that we went on all throughout the jungle.  We would slide down one, land on the platform, move to the next one, and so on.  It was hysterical to see everyone's reactions sliding in to the platform.  Mia and I were laughing so hard that we both started snorting.  Hysterical.  It was so much fun! 

So awesome. 
All in all, an incredible day filled with tons of adventure.  I loved every second of it!  So grateful for these opportunities!  Looking forward to the safari tomorrow! 

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